Who is TSSU?

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) is a labour union at Simon Fraser University (SFU). We represent people who teach and/or do research at SFU but who aren’t faculty members, this includes:

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs) & Tutor Markers (TMs) 
  • Sessional Instructors (SIs)
  • English Language & Culture and Interpretation & Translation Program Instructors (ELC/ITP) 
  • Student Learning Commons (SLC) Facilitators
  • Research Assistants (RAs) & Grant Employees

TSSU is different from the Graduate Student Society (GSS) or Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS). The GSS or SFSS serve as resources for you in your capacity as a student, not as an employee.

What is a labour union?

Why should I care?

What does TSSU look like?

TSSU is a non-hierarchical, feminist, direct democracy!

How do I get involved?

Contact us

If you are denied any rights or benefits that you are legally entitled to as a TSSU member or feel you’ve been treated unfairly, please contact the Union!

All discussions are private and confidential, and the TSSU will only pursue action on your behalf after having received your express permission.

In the event that you do choose to file a formal grievance or complaint, you have the right to Union representation.
